Deep Cleaning Tips for Vacation Rentals: Making Your Home Sparkle

Deep Cleaning Tips for Vacation Rentals: Making Your Home Sparkle

Are you considering renting out your home to vacationers in Brandon, Florida? With the number of tourists that the Florida area sees on a yearly basis, this can be a profitable venture.

Before you open your home to vacationers, you must clean up the place. Everything from the floors to the blinds has to be scrubbed down. It also wouldn't hurt to invest in a diffuser.

These are just a few deep cleaning tips for vacation rentals. Continue reading for the best cleaning strategies to implement around your home.

Get Organized

Whenever one guest checks out, make a list of all the surfaces that must be cleaned before another guest checks in. Doing so will prevent you from forgetting any important details.

This checklist doesn't just have to be for you. One of the benefits of owning a short-term rental in Florida is that your property manager can schedule professional cleanings. Giving the cleaners a checklist will make their jobs easier.

Clean the Blinds

One crucial area that many people forget while they're cleaning is the blinds. The build-up of dust won't make your vacation rental property look very appealing from the outside. The bacteria can also make your guests sick.

The good news is that having sparkling blinds isn't hard, even if you don't have the proper cleaning equipment. All you need is a little vinegar, warm water, and a cloth.


It's no secret that you need to vacuum the floors when a guest leaves. The last thing you need is for a new guest to spot the hair and crumbs that a previous one left behind.

The question is, when should you vacuum? Some property owners make the mistake of putting vacuuming at the top of the chore list. It should go at the bottom.

Wipe down all the surfaces in the rental first. This will knock crumbs and dust to the floor, where it can be vacuumed up later.

Invest in a Diffuser

When you're cleaning, you're going to use a variety of powerful-smelling products.

That's why you should consider investing in an air diffuser. It will welcome guests in with the smell of eucalyptus and lavender instead of chemicals.

Do a Walkthrough

As a property owner, it's hard to account for everything. There's always a chance of forgetting something that was on your checklist. If you do, your guests will let you know.

Even if you throw the bedding in the wash, the smallest of hairs from the previous guest may decide to stick around. Do a thorough walkthrough of the property to spot these little imperfections.

Essential Deep Cleaning Tips for Vacation Rentals

Are you thinking of renting out your home to vacationers in Brandon, Florida? You will need to scrub down the property before you hand a guest the keys to a room.

We hope that you're able to use these deep cleaning tips for vacation rentals to get the job done.

If you don't have time to scrub the home down yourself, let PMI Hillsborough help. We can schedule a cleaning service to come in and take care of it. Go here to schedule a consultation.
